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World | South America | Brazil Back

500 Internacional Golf Club

Rodovia Presidente Dutra| Km 60|7 12522-640 Guaratinguetá| SP| Brasil |Phone(s): +55 (12) 3132-3555 |

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Sunny. Mild
Agua Viva Golf Club

Rod PR-445| km 04 86828-000 Mauá da Serra| Parana| Brazil |Phone(s): +55 (43) 3464-2000| +55 (43) 3399-1924 |

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Sunny. Mild
Aguas Da Serra Golf Club

Rua Santo Antonio| S/N - Centro 58220-000 Bananeiras| PB| Brazil |Phone(s): +55 (83) 3015-5018| +55 (83) 9198-5535 |

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Overcast. Warm
Aguativa Golf Course

Rodovia Mello Peixoto| km 101| Cornélio Procópio| PR| Brasil |Phone(s): +55 (43) 3520-7000 |

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Sunny. Mild
Alphaville Graciosa Golf Club

Av. Tomaz Edison de Andrade Vieira| 825 83321-970 Pinhais| PR| Brasil |Phone(s): +55 (41) 3551-1389 |

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Sunny. Mild
Amazon Country Club

Travessa Tenoné| 5ª Linha| s/nº 66821-160 Belém| PA| Brasil |Phone(s): +55 (91) 3268-1201 |

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Mostly Cloudy. Hot
Amazonas Golf Course

Rodovia AM 010 KM 64 Amazonas 69117-000 Rio Preto da Eva| Brazil |Phone(s): +55 (92) 9147-0080 |Fax: +55 (61) 3962-5763 |

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Overcast. Hot
Aquiraz Riviera Golf Links

Rua Um| Enseada Praia l Catu| Área Remanescente SN| Quadra l - Curralinho 60000-000 Aquiraz| Ceara| Brazil |Phone(s): +55 (85) 3224-4164 |

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Overcast. Warm
Araguaia Golf Club

BR 70| Km 8| Parque Agropecuário Elisiário José de Faria Barra do Garças| MT| Brasil |Phone(s): +55 (66) 9222-0720 |

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Partly Cloudy. Warm
Aruja Golf Club

Estrada Municipal 2000| Caixa Postal 107 07400-970 Arujá| SP| Brasil |Phone(s): +55 (11) 4655-2627 |Fax: +55 (11) 4655-2048 |

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Sunny. Mild
Avare Country Club

Rua Alagoas| 1292 18700-010 Avaré| SP| Brasil |Phone(s): +55 (14) 3732-5983 |Fax: +55 (14) 3732-5983 |

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Sunny. Mild
Banana Golf Club

Rua Serviente 4 lote 9| Vargem Grande - Barra da Tijuca 22790-701 Rio de Janeiro|Rio de Janeiro| Brazil |Phone(s): +55 (21) 3411-6110 |

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Sunny. Mild
Barra Golden Green Golf Club

Avenida Canal de Marapendi| 2901 22631-050 Rio de Janeiro| RJ| Brasil |Phone(s): +55 (21) 2434-0696 |Fax: +55 (21) 2434-0696 |

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Sunny. Mild
Bastos Golf Club

Secção Glória II - Zona Rural - C. P. 250 17690-000 Bastos| SP| Brasil |Phone(s): +55 (14) 3478-1519 |Fax: +55 (14) 3478-1519 |

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Sunny. Warm
Bauru Golf Club

Rodovia Comandante João Ribeiro de Barros| Km 362|5 Piratininga| SP| Brasil |Phone(s): +55 (14) 4009-7555| +55 (14) 9794-6586 |

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Sunny. Mild

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